A few things we do:
Shop in person
(with advice from plant nerds!) See Visit
Order plants online,
then pick up at the farm during open hours
(within a couple weeks plz).
Delivery can be arranged on a case by case basis and is limited to a reasonable range from Clark County, WA. Use the CONTACT section of this site to inquire. There may be a fee, there may not - depending on order size and location.
We can source other PNW native species not listed on our site.
We can also help with Clark County, WA mitigation requirements, just email us your situation through the Contact tab .
EDUCATION:We hold breakfast clubs, classes, talks, and various other fun ways of learning about native plant ecosystems and communities.
Hannah, owner of Good Year Farms, often holds classes through her Metro job to educate Master Gardeners, teens, and other groups.
Check out The Haps tab and keep an eye out on the calendar!
SITE VISITS:Not enough nerdery at the nursery?
Chelsea, our nursery manager, will come to your site and give advice/mockup plans!
Some folks just want a little hint or two about placement of a few plants while they're shopping, but others want a whole plan, and it's hard to cater to without being there. If you're feeling overwhelmed, want ideas on plants or low-key design plans, I can come hang with you.
Note/Warning: I'm not a professional designer, I like cramscaping (more habitat!) and don't have knowledge of (or interest in) nonnative plants.
$75/hr, minimum 2hrs.
(1.5hrs on-site for assessment, 1/2 an hour computer time to write up materials for you.)
While on-site, I can help you ID weeds, give native plant suggestions (or a whole list), dos and don'ts of placement, how to plant, maintenance plans, and more.
Getting Backyard Habitat Certified?
Fantastic program - my 1/4 acre yard is Gold certified and is on the Clark County Green Neighbors tour in early summers. I've almost memorized the PPL (Portland Plant List) as well as the program's requirements, so let's chat.
Maintenance/Installation. In some cases, and depending on my schedule, I'm happy to do further hourly work prepping sites, planting plants, and performing some maintenance, but let's talk. If you DO want this kind of work, please mention it when you reach out!
For hard-scaping (big ole rocks, pavers, fountains, pond-digging, etc), I ain't your lady.
Use the Contact tab to inquire further and I'll get back to you!
Chelsea, Nursery Manager, Good Year Farms