BYH Breakfast Club : March


Part of our EQUINOX EXPERIENCE weekend Spring re-opener. Oh my gawd, these events feel so good, and this time it's not just Good Year Farms staff spittin' game at you.

The Backyard Habitat Breakfast Club is a time to get together and learn about stewarding habitat in our time and space. These sessions are designed to be informal and relaxed, so you can bring specific questions or just listen and learn.

March topic: Spring Ephemeral Flowers
The fleeting enchantment of impermanence ;)

Erin Harwood, owner of Plant Magic with Erin and co-owner of Garden DElights Herb Farm (and one of our treasured mentors who imparted us with the knowledge and bravery to start Good Year Farms) - will be leading this session.

Erin will teach us about the native spring flowers that pop up all around us in Southwest Washington; species identification, guidance on where to see these flowers, what type of habitats you can expect to create if you include them in your yard, and more. The nursery will be starting to bloom as well!

$31/person - regardless of size or age - catered breakfast included. It's always incredibly tasty and filling.
*Dietary restrictions will be broadly considered - i.e. there will be GF and vegan options but we are unable to cater to specific needs.

Attendees will get 15% off same-day plant purchases.

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